Three’s Bar & Grill, Closed for Now

We wanted to share an important decision with our customers, who have been so dedicated to us for 10+ years.  

We, like most of you, have been following the COVID-19 pandemic closely and continue to monitor the guidelines coming from state and federal leadership.  As a full-service restaurant, we have made the decision to close Three’s Bar & Grill in Kīhei, effective immediately.  The health and safety of our customers and employees remain the priority, and rest assured that we will be taking measures to ease the financial challenges of our wonderful staff during this closure. 

We will be sure to keep you updated via social media and our website, and please know our intentions are to reopen as soon as we feel safe and comfortable with that decision.  We at Three’s look forward to welcoming you back then, and wish you the very best during these unpredictable times.  Please take care of yourselves.  Aloha and Mahalo to you all!

Where Did the Years Go?? Owners Remember the Ups & Downs at Three’s Bar & Grill

How can it be??  A decade in business??  We can barely fathom it, but Three’s Bar & Grill has now officially been open for 10 years!!  After launching their catering company, co-owners Jaron Blosser, Travis Morrin and Cody Christopher took over and renovated the former Bada Bing space, welcoming customers to 1945 S. Kīhei Road for the first time on Friday, February 5, 2010.  It’s been an unforgettable journey since that point, and the guys give us a rundown on the big moments of the last 10 years in our retrospective video above.  Naturally, each Three’s owner explains around 3.33 years of their business timeline:  Cody takes us through the first few years, Travis handles the middle, and Jaron outlines more recent times.

So what’s to come in the NEXT ten years?  The guys address that question in our video too, so enjoy watching and come see us anytime between 8:30 a.m. and 10 p.m. to celebrate!!  On our birthday, we’ll also be making a donation to Nabavi Legacy Fund, which supports several local nonprofits.

You can also see the owners’ favorite photos from the last decade, and learn just what they think of each other in our other blogs. Check us out on Facebook and Instagram anytime; thanks for an amazing 10 years, Maui!!

What Do They REALLY Think?? Three’s Owners Open Up!!

Three’s co-owners Jaron Blosser, Travis Morrin and Cody Christopher have shared a lot over the last decade or so.  Big decisions, great honors, huge challenges…and through it all, plenty of growth and lots of laughter.  You’ll see some of that in our video above, along with some honest thoughts from the guys when answering the question, “HOW Would You Describe Your Business Partners??”

The three of them are excited to share February 5th, 2020 with the community, to mark the big 10th birthday!  Come in and enjoy 25% off breakfast, lunch and dinner (discount excludes happy hour specials) all day and night on Wednesday; Three’s is open from 8:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.  We’ll also be making a donation to Nabavi Legacy Fund, which supports several nonprofits like  Grow Some Good, which encourages kids to create and sustain gardens in schools around the island; Kids & Teens Cook with Heart, teaching students about cooking for a healthy lifestyle; and Maui Food Innovation Center, a UHMC resource for new food entrepreneurs.  

The guys have racked up plenty of memories and classic photos over the years; in our “Three’s Goes Retro” video, they each pick out their favorite and explain why it matters to them and Three’s!  Please join us at 1945 S. Kīhei Road, or if you can’t make it on February 5th, reach out on Facebook and Instagram anytime!!

Three’s Goes Retro!! Three’s Owners Pick their Favorite Old Photos

The doors first opened at Three’s Bar & Grill on Friday, February 5, 2010.  Since then, we’ve been racking up the memories along a very eventful journey.  It seems almost unbelievable that nearly 10 years have gone by!!

Together, with a fantastic team, we’ve ridden the waves of ups and downs, including a catering partnership with Pacific Whale Foundation and food truck debut in 2013, a devastating kitchen fire in 2016, and Food Network feature in 2017 that put Three’s in the national spotlight.  

We want to invite the island to join us for this big birthday on Wednesday, February 5th, 2020.  All day and night long, customers will enjoy 25% off the entire menu (excluding happy hour specials) of food and drinks!

We’ll also be doing something special to give back to the community that’s shared so much with us:  Three’s is donating a total of $3,333.33 to the Nabavi Legacy Fund, which supports several fantastic local nonprofits:  Grow Some Good, which encourages kids to create and sustain gardens in schools around the island; Kids & Teens Cook with Heart, teaching students about cooking for a healthy lifestyle; and Maui Food Innovation Center, a UHMC resource for new food entrepreneurs.  

We hope you’ll be part of this special occasion, to celebrate a decade of memories in our island home.  We will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. at 1945 S. Kīhei Road, so please come enjoy breakfast, lunch, dinner or our award-winning happy hour!  Or if you can’t make it on February 5th, send us a shout-out on Facebook and Instagram!!  We’d love to learn about your memories of Three’s as we share some of our own in the video above.  Thank you for your support over so many years, and here’s to many more!!

Three’s Supports UHMC Students at Noble Chef!

Learning by doing can really make a difference, and we’re always happy to give culinary students that direct experience through events like Noble Chef.

It’s a huge annual fundraiser for University of Hawai‘i Maui College (UHMC) and its renown culinary program.  The popular event always touts a fun theme (this year was “White Christmas”), and features a walk-around cocktail reception with light bites and a lavish sit-down dinner.  This year, Three’s was stoked to be one of around a dozen restaurants from around Maui involved.  Three’s co-owner/chef Travis Morrin, who went through the UHMC Culinary Arts program, has maintained strong ties to the school.  He has more in our video above.

Culinary students played a big role in preparing, displaying and serving these Noble Chef menu items, which featured seared scallop over sweet potatoes with coconut corn chowder, candied bacon and shaved Parmesan; along with Tahitian poisson-cru, which is ahi and hamachi lightly marinated in coconut milk and fresh lime, topped with burnt coconut and served with avocado ice cream, Moloka‘i sweet potato and taro chips.

Mahalo to UHMC and the students for a job well done, and we’ll see you next year!!

Thanksgiving Dinner at Three’s Bar & Grill, Maui

Join us at Three’s Bar and Grill for a traditional Turkey Dinner starting at 3 pm (see details below)

The special Thanksgiving menu starts at 3pm

Traditional Turkey Dinner with sausage stuffing, wild mushroom green bean casserole, honey miso glazed ham, purple sweet potatoes, house-made cranberry sauce, giblet gravy, pumpkin haupia pie… all for just $32.95.

Kids 12 and under receive half off

Full Menu available

Call for reservation
